Tuesday 2 September 2014


Words cannot describe how much I love Supernatural. It really is an AMAZING show. The characters are lovable (and pretty drop-dead gorgeous) and every show is funny, serious and perfect. There isn't one episode I haven't watched, apart from like all of Season 9 'cause it's not on TV in the UK, that I haven't loved.
But my point is, this is a must see! I started watching last year and was hooked from episode one, since then I bought every season and finished watching them within two weeks. The idea behind the show is interesting and with all the other problems going on in each season in the end it's all about two brothers.
If you haven't watched Supernatural yet - go do it RIGHT NOW! If you have, then you know exactly what I am talking about.
The show is confirmed for season 10, so don't miss it, it's gunna be special! And if you are a super crazy fan then I hope you're looking forward to the 200th episode as much as I am.

Thanks For Reading Guys :D
If you have any suggestions for my next review let me know!
Amy <3
But he can't be totally evil right? He is still Dean....

Monday 1 September 2014

Only Love - Ben Howard

B-E-A-UTIFUL! This song is truly breath-taking; it is so beautiful - the lyrics, the music and the voice. Combined it really is perfection. The song is so simple yet it can make you want to feel a love like that. Or maybe you have one already, the point is this song is just beyond words.
Being the first Ben Howard song I've heard I can only say it was a beautiful beginning (really overused that word today) to a musical relationship. Translation - I am now a Ben Howard fan.
You need to listen to this song. It's a song everyone should listen to at least once. And if, like me, you fall in love; buy the song, buy the album. Some things just need to be done!
Thanks For Reading Guys ;)
And if you have any ideas for my next review let me know!!
Amy <3

Am I the only one who thinks he is PRETTY cute?

Sunday 31 August 2014

Believer - American Authors

I really love this song; it makes me smile instantly and you can't help dancing along to it. No matter how badly you dance! Not only that, but the lyrics are inspiring as well. It' a song that makes you wanna go chase your dreams.
I really love American Authors' sound, they are an upcoming band that people should keep an eye on. Thanks to their US tour with OneRepublic and The Script (jealous) they gained fans and are better known, at least that's what I think. People who like that sound experiecienced a newish band sing great music. Plus, their already amazing song writing mojo has to be inspired by the legends they toured with - great songs will be on their way. ;)
I think this song is truly great, a real summer song, but one that I now I'll be listening to FOREVER! American Authors have gained a lifelong fan, now I just need to convince my Mum to buy tour tickets.
If you haven't already go buy the song, or the album. In fact just get both, because this band rocks. And if you live in the UK there is a tour coming up so....
Thanks For Reading Guys :P
Amy <3

They even look like a hit rock band :D

Saturday 30 August 2014

Crazy Stupid Love - Cheryl Cole

This one is a hate. There is to much going on; trumpets, singing... it's enough to give you an instant headache. Cheryl Cole is one of those artists with fans so loyal they buy even the terrible songs, unfortunately this is one of them. When this comes on the radio, the radio goes off.
But hey, this is just my opinion! Maybe you love the song, I could be a freak hater. My advice is don't go near it, though it did top the charts so some one must like it.
Completely random, but I am struggling to think of things to review right now so if you have any ideas let me know!
Thanks For Reading :D
Amy <3
It's a no from me Cheryl.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Love Don't Die - The Fray

I am in love with this song! I really do love it. The Fray are an amazing band, and have such an interesting sound. It's a song that you can't help but sing along to and puts a smile on your face. The song jumps straight in and has your foot tapping along to the beat.It's the type of song that you can't help but sing along to as loud as you possibly can!
As the title suggests the song is about love and really never ending love, it's a lovely idea. And maybe that's what makes the song so perfect. Or that could just be the perfect song with the catchy (and memorable) lyrics!
Interestingly it was written by no other than Ryan Tedder, lead singer of OneRepublic, and he definitely wrote a good one. Demonstrating exactly why Billboard named him the undercover King of Pop.
Honestly, it annoys me this song hasn't done better in the charts, so get out there and buy it! It is worth your time and if you like the single but the album Helios, it does not disappoint.
Thanks For Reading Guys :P
Amy <3

Smile Boys :D

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Kirby's Epic Yarn - Wii

When you first begin playing this game it seems fun and everything's great. It's after a couple of weeks or maybe even hours when it starts to get painful. I play it with my 8 year old sister and it is the most stressful, irritating game in existence. And that is why this game is a hate.
Sure, the story is actually pretty interesting and even some of the worlds are fun. But, eventually it's just repetitive, not to mention WAY to difficult for an 8 year old. Even I can struggle with it sometimes; there's always one star to far or a level that is just a little bit to difficult.
Long story short, you can't enjoy the game because you are to busy being stressed out about it! At least that's what I find... Maybe you feel differently, feel free to leave a comment.
Thanks For Reading Guys :P
Amy <3
Looks innocent enough... But looks can be deceiving!

The Originals

The Originals is a spin-off from the hit programme The Vampire Diaries, and I gotta say it is amazing. This is definitely a rate from me. The first series came to a dramatic close and the second series has been confirmed and will begin later this year. The show has an amazing cast who bring the characters to life, and the show itself has a great storyline. Based in New Orleans, it is a darker, more mature version of VD and I think it is more gripping. Instead of being about teenage vampires it is about reclaiming what the Originals believe is theirs and brings to light the constant fight for supernatural power.
If you like supernatural shows you should definitely take the time to watch The Originals, it is unlike the other supernatural programmes on TV and is 100% worth your time.
So invest in the Season One box set before Season Two starts, because you don't wanna miss it!
Thanks For Reading Guys :D
Amy <3

And just look at those ADORABLE faces! :)